After a brutal week of workouts and super clean eating, I lost 6 pounds! Still not back at my lowest but getting really close. I'd like to get on to some "fresh" pounds but next week is going to be a challenge.
My best friend from high school is turning 40 and decided we should celebrate our birthdays together so she's coming to visit on Wednesday. I'm thrilled to have her but she's a single mom and when she gets a break from her kids she likes to party. I don't blame her at all but I'm on a roll and not in the eating and drinking non-stop frame of mind. I'm trying to plan some active activities but we will probably be eating out a lot. With some careful planning I can probably maintain but losing might be a stretch. I WILL leave her at home as to not miss yoga class!!
There were many victories this week. I did two 75 minute Bikram classes this week. One night is was pouring rain and freezing, and last night I was so sore from running but I went anyway. I even got compliments on my progress from the instructors both nights. I tracked and measured/ weighed everything I put in my mouth and never made it over 1200 calories. The one goal for this week which I thought would be the hardest wasn't at all. I gave up my evening snack which is usually a 1o0 calorie pack and a glass of milk. I had to change things up and that was an obvious thing that had to go. It all seems to have paid off on the scale. Plus, my skinny (er) jeans aren't cutting me in half at the waist anymore.
I can't think of a better way to celebrate a great week than dropping off all of this at the Can-A-Thon in a couple of hours...
This is a big event in Atlanta every year and this is the first time I've participated. My mom told us all she didn't want a Christmas gift but wanted us to do something charitable instead. My sister and I will drop it off and have someone take a picture of us and that will be my gift to our mom. I even made a sign to hold up. I will post some pictures over the weekend. All of this was only $90 at Aldi and that's a small price to pay when there are more people needing help than ever before. I tried to get mostly healthy stuff so there are 150+ cans in there of collards, veggies, chili, tuna, sweet potatoes and soup. There is even some not-as-healthy ravioli for the kids.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
My best friend from high school is turning 40 and decided we should celebrate our birthdays together so she's coming to visit on Wednesday. I'm thrilled to have her but she's a single mom and when she gets a break from her kids she likes to party. I don't blame her at all but I'm on a roll and not in the eating and drinking non-stop frame of mind. I'm trying to plan some active activities but we will probably be eating out a lot. With some careful planning I can probably maintain but losing might be a stretch. I WILL leave her at home as to not miss yoga class!!
There were many victories this week. I did two 75 minute Bikram classes this week. One night is was pouring rain and freezing, and last night I was so sore from running but I went anyway. I even got compliments on my progress from the instructors both nights. I tracked and measured/ weighed everything I put in my mouth and never made it over 1200 calories. The one goal for this week which I thought would be the hardest wasn't at all. I gave up my evening snack which is usually a 1o0 calorie pack and a glass of milk. I had to change things up and that was an obvious thing that had to go. It all seems to have paid off on the scale. Plus, my skinny (er) jeans aren't cutting me in half at the waist anymore.
I can't think of a better way to celebrate a great week than dropping off all of this at the Can-A-Thon in a couple of hours...
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!