Monday Mix Tape - Holiday edition

Happy Memorial Day everyone! We've had LA quality weather here in Atlanta which made for a fun and active weekend.

Weekend Wrap up

Saturday was a gardening and cleaning day so I "rested" from exercise to take care of all of that. I probably burned more calories from that than any purposeful exercise!

Sunday morning I got up super early to get to Whole Foods and Trader Joes before the masses and that ended up being a great decision for two reasons - 1: the stores were empty and 2: I saw STEVIE WONDER in Whole Foods. No joke. I tried to be all casual shopping but it was difficult not to gawk :)

When I got home I set out to run a 5k - outside without stopping to walk. I've only ever done this one time before and I was hoping it wasn't a fluke. Sure enough it wasn't! I ran the whole thing - horrible hills and all. One of my favorite things on my route now is passing all the places I used to have to stop and walk. I get a huge smile on my face and it makes me go even faster. I have come so far!

The craziest thing about my running right now is that I want to do it every day but my body just won't let me. My legs need a day in between for recovery now that I'm running these huge hills. The non running days are when I get in my yoga and weight training but I still have the urge to run.

If that wasn't enough, I still had a huge meal to cook - all the neighbors were coming over for a bbq! I cooked for the rest of the day and really kept myself aware of my tendency to graze and taste everything while cooking. I got through an entire afternoon of cooking with only having one hard boiled egg white which I even logged in My Fitness Pal. Then I decided exactly what I was going to eat for the rest of the evening and logged it all!

The best thing about my life post surgery is that I can cook like this:

and eat like this:
This was about 200 calories over my usual dinner but still a success. A typical calorie count of holiday cookouts in the past were probably close to 3000. I got to try everything I made and was totally satisfied. The only thing I really couldn't have was hamburger bun - they smelled really great too but I knew if I ate it, I wouldn't have room for everything else so, everything else won.
The week ahead
Wednesday will be 4 months since surgery and time for measurements and pictures again. The time is going by so fast! I'm struggling with a bit of a stall at the moment - I keep going up and down a pound. I've tried more calories, less calories, more exercise, less exercise. I'm REALLY hoping I break through this before I update again on Friday. The good news is it's only driving me a little crazy. Not out of my mind crazy like it was in the beginning :)

See y'all Friday! Have a happy, healthy week!