
I'm actually happy to be back at work today in my dark and cool office. I must have changed clothes 10 times over 2 days because I haven't stopped sweating! There is still so much I want to get done outside and it's looking like most projects will have to be done in the very early morning hours or put off until the fall. I just keep reminding myself that the sweating helps the pounds come off. I did manage to drag myself around the neighborhood for a good walk with the dogs.

I did sort of okay this weekend despite the fact that nothing really went as planned. It was supposed to be a nice quiet one but ended up being as action packed as ever. At least we blew up the baby pool and sat with our feet in it for a while. We're so classy ;)

I had great intentions for the week until I realized I have a concert to go to tomorrow and I should have planned on going to the gym tonight instead of taking my usual break on Monday. I guess I'll do BL Yoga at home tonight and then get back in the gym on Wednesday. There never seem to be enough hours in the day but I'm trying so hard to make it all work.

Saturdays walk in the heat proved to me how much better shape I'm in and that gives me the motivation to keep going. I felt strong and athletic sweating bullets and was proud of my pace!

Here's to a good week ahead...